District-level professional terrestrial wildlife shelter and rescue site opened

Pet Other

Recently, Shanghai’s first district-level professional terrestrial wildlife shelter and rescue center was opened in Pudong. "Exotic pets" that were abandoned or released at will, or wild animals such as turtles and lizards that were accidentally injured, have a professional "temporary new home".

District-level professional terrestrial wildlife shelter and rescue center opened

The reporter saw at the shelter and rescue center at No. 1 Fenghe Road that it was neat and tidy Gray holding boxes are lined up on the ground, and the heating lamps are turned on 24 hours a day. The animals currently being rescued are mainly tortoises and some lizards. When these American and Asian tortoises were delivered, many had digestive tract problems, trauma or bacterial infections. After isolation and quarantine, it may take a few weeks to recover, or it may take two to three months for rescue.

District-level professional terrestrial wildlife shelter and rescue center opened

After the vital signs of the rescued animals stabilize, they will be disposed of according to specific circumstances. Common animals in this area will be released into the wild; if they have an impact on the regional ecosystem, they will be handed over to professional departments for disposal. The establishment of the shelter and rescue point this time uses the mature experience and facilities and equipment of social professional institutions to expand the scope of participation in wildlife protection.